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Bachelorettes of Science and Art... Going Back to School

Episode Summary

You probably won't be the oldest person in your class. It'll just seem like that.

Episode Notes

Both of us got degrees after we had kids.  Was it hard?  Yep.  Was it worth it? HELL YES! That's where we met each other!  Just when you thought you had enough to juggle, going back to school as a nontrad throws some new balls into your court.  When are you going to study?  Oh, you have to get dinner on the table, too?  Should you fill out the FAFSA?  Are you going to be able to relate to kids who are young enough to be your kids?  Find out all of this and more! 

Don't forget to check out these links:

What do you mean by bibliography?

If Danielle can do math, so can you

Get the Skinny on your Professors

Study Naps are the BEST THING EVER

Two Words for dinner:  Instant Pot

Meal Planning for beginners